Heart attacks are one of the leading causes of death today, with many cases reported in people in their 20s, 30s and 40s. While there are numerous urgent risk factors that raise one’s likelihood of having a heart attack, such as ignoring symptoms, seasonal variations may also wreak havoc on your heart. Yes, you read that right! Lets deep dive into the article in which Dr. Sanjay Kumar, the best cardiologist in Faridabad shared tips to prevent common heart problems triggered by the cold weather.

While many people like winter, it is also the season in which the majority of heart attacks occur. Yes, it’s not just respiratory infections and viral influx that can be a concern during winter and rapidly dropping temperatures. As a result, while unexpected heart attacks and illnesses necessitate immediate attention, winters are also a time to be extra cautious than usual.


Why do heart attacks become more prevalent in the winter?

While there is no one explanation, many experts believe that one of the causes for the increase in heart attacks is due to our bodies’ physiology and how a drop in temperature affects the heart. Several studies have shown that there is a higher accidental risk of stroke, heart failure, cardiovascular difficulties, arrhythmias and abnormalities during the winter.

During the winter, the body’s sympathetic nervous system activity rises, resulting in blood vessel narrowing, commonly known as ‘vasoconstriction.’ When this happens, blood pressure rises and the heart has to work harder to pump blood to different areas of the body. Furthermore, during the winter months, the temperatures might make it difficult to retain body heat, resulting in hypothermia, which can cause serious damage to the heart’s blood arteries.


How do risks affect people with heart disease?

Cold chills can be hard to deal with during the winter.When the temperature drops, the body has to work twice as hard to regulate heat, which puts a strain on heart function.For someone who already has heart disease or has a history of heart attack, the risk can be quite significant.The body’s need for oxygen increases during the winter season.With the vasoconstriction already in place, less oxygen reaches the heart, increasing the risk of heart attack.


What additional things are causing issues?

With the arrival of winter, there could be an indirect increase in variables that may increase the risk of heart attack. Colder temperatures can make it harder for people to get outside and be physically active, or they can delay exercise, which is not heart-healthy.Food consumption and eating behaviors can also vary, and increased consumption of cholesterol-raising foods can negatively influence heart and artery health. Not to mention that stress and other worries could increase your total risk.

In addition, when smog and pollution levels are increasing, parts of the parts (PMs) in the air can exacerbate inflammation and induce cardiac problems. Anecdotal data has shown that pollution levels are related with a stunning 69 percent increase in cardiovascular fatalities, as well as a rise in mortality rates. All of these variables, along with hereditary risks and a lack of focus on health, can make heart attacks a major problem throughout the winter.


How can you keep yourself safe while reducing your risk?

Heart attacks can be dangerous and require immediate medical attention at any age. With a larger risk during the winters and already high pollution levels, it’s even more vital to take the appropriate attitude, stay on the right track of health, and keep cardiac problems at bay. Here are a few expert recommended techniques from the best Cardiologist in Faridabad to keep your heart in perfect condition:

– Dress appropriately: A change in weather may raise your chances of being ill rapidly. If you are at risk, you dress suitably and you cover in appropriate layers for temperature.It’s also a smart technique for dealing with seasonal issues that cause pollution levels to rise.

– Stay physically active: If the cold tempts you to go outside, find other ways to exercise.Regular physical activity and exercise helps boost your immunity, regulate body temperature, and keep you fit. Home exercises, healthy aerobic routines, yoga, and meditation can also help.

Keep an eye on your eating habits: Winter may boost one’s hunger, and there may be a propensity to consume more fried, sugary foods, some of which are rich in cholesterol, sugars, and fats. Track your eating habits, set limits, and look for healthier options when available. Limit your usage of alcohol and smoke as well.


Assess your risks and schedule preventative screenings.To reduce the risk of heart disease and prevent sudden heart attacks from worsening, it is critical that everyone undergoes preventive screenings on time, assesses familial hazards and risk factors, and takes appropriate action.

Do not wait delaying seeking assistance. A heart attack needs immediate, urgent care. Identify the warning signs and symptoms, seek medical attention as soon as possible, and don’t ignore any symptoms. Irrit ation, heaviness in the chest, sweatiness, shoulder discomfort, jaw pain, dizziness, or nausea are all symptoms to be addressed seriously. Dr. Sanjay Kumar, the best Cardiologist in Faridabad will be able to provide you with the best advice for preventing heart attacks in cold weather.