A person with heart failure fails to pump enough blood for their body. Shortness of breath, a dry and hacking cough, weight gain, swelling, and fatigue are common symptoms. As a result of heart failure, your heart cannot pump enough blood to support your other organs. In spite of its seriousness, heart failure does not mean that the heart has stopped. While heart failure can be a severe condition, it is not fatal, and treatment has improved dramatically in recent years. Best Cardiologist in Faridabad explains the risk factors, symptoms, and treatments of heart failure. Read on!

A person with congestive heart failure may have blood and liquid backing up in their lungs, and some organs of the body may not receive the necessary oxygen-rich blood. These problems result in symptoms of heart failure.

The heart muscle becomes weak or loses its ability to pump normally when it fails to contract. A heart’s Ejection Fraction (EF) tells us how tight it is contracting (normally, it is 55-70%). If your heart doesn’t pump enough blood to your body, you have heart failure with a reduced ejection fraction (EF < 40%). Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (EF > 50%) occurs when the heart cannot relax enough to fill with enough blood between contractions. The weakening and damage of the heart muscle are called cardiomyopathy, which literally means “heart muscle disease.”

Best Cardiologist in Faridabad explains symptoms of heart failure

Kidney failure interferes with the body’s ability to eliminate excess sodium and wastes. Congestive heart failure causes the body to retain more fluid, but not all heart failure patients retain fluid. Symptoms of heart failure include:

  • Breathing problems during daily activities.
  • Having trouble breathing while lying down or sleeping.
  • Swelling in the feet, legs, ankles, or stomach with weight gain.
  • Feeling generally tired or weak.

How does heart failure occur?

In addition to heart disease, other conditions can contribute to heart failure, including atherosclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), heart attacks, high blood pressure, heart valve problems, genetics, and alcohol and drug abuse. Damage can sometimes occur without apparent cause. Many people with this condition learn that heart failure runs in their families. Idiopathic cardiomyopathy means it has no known cause.

Risk factors for heart failure

Heart failure is more likely to develop in the case of untreated health conditions. These conditions include:

  • Heart attacks and coronary heart disease (the most common type of heart disease)
  • Having high blood pressure
  • Having diabetes
  • Having obesity

People with one of the diseases listed above are at increased risk of heart failure if they engage in unhealthy behaviors. These behaviors include:

  • Tobacco use or smoking
  • Use of illegal drugs, such as methamphetamines, or excessive alcohol consumption
  • Consumption of fat, sodium, and cholesterol-enriched foods
  • Lack of physical activity

Heart failure treatment

People with heart failure can improve their quality of life and length of life by receiving early diagnosis and treatment. Typically, treatment consists of taking medications, getting daily exercise, and reducing the amount of salt and sodium you eat. In order to discuss symptoms with the best Cardiologist in Faridabad, a person with heart failure must track their weight and symptoms each day.

The goal of heart failure management is to improve your heart function, reduce your symptoms, and extend your life. Several treatments are combined, including lifestyle changes, medications, and heart procedures.

Surgery or other procedures for opening blocked arteries in the heart may be necessary for patients with heart failure. It is also possible to replace or repair heart valves. Procedures can often be used to correct abnormal heart rhythms. Heart transplants or mechanical heart pumps may be required for advanced heart failure patients.

A life with heart failure

Patients with heart failure must do five things every day at home to manage their condition. You might find the following acronym helpful in remembering – and implementing – these steps:

  • As prescribed by the best Cardiologist in Faridabad and the heart care team, take your medications as directed. Let them know if you are having any problems with them, and don’t run out of them.
  • Keep your body strong by staying active every day.
  • Weigh yourself every day, and identify when weight changes signify that you are retaining fluid.
  • Diet: Follow your diet, which means limiting salt intake (* 2 grams per day) and fluid intake (< 2 liters per day).
  • Identify and call for help when you have symptoms.