Open-Heart Surgery: Discovering the Risks, Procedure, and Preparation

During open heart surgery, the chest is opened up to allow direct access to the heart so that the heart specialist can perform the surgery. Usually an incision 8 to 10 inches long is made to reach the heart. The length of the incision, on the other hand, is significantly dependent on the treatment. Dr. Sanjay Kumar, the best heart doctor in Faridabad gives an interesting insigts on the risks of open-heart surgery, what to do to prepare, and the required for recovery.

Heart Surgery Procedure:
The open heart procedure can take three to six hours and generally follows the basic steps:
  • The patient is given general anesthesia to ensure they are pain-free throughout the operation.
  • In the chest, an to 10 inch incision is made.
  • For direct access to the heart, an incision is made through all or part of the sternum.
  • A heart-lung machine is linked to the patient as soon as access to the heart is feasible. This device aids in the removal of blood from the heart, which is required during open heart surgery. However, this machine is not used in all cases. Today almost 98% of bypass surgeries are performed without a pump.
  • The surgeon will utilise a healthy vein or artery to create a new path around the obstructed artery.
  • The surgeon then closes the breastbone and removes the sewing wire from the body.
  • They finally sew the initial cut.
A sternum plate is used in high-risk patients after open cardiac surgery to seal the sternum using titanium plates. Patients who have had several procedures or who are old are generally thought to be at high risk.

Advances in medical science have introduced new techniques such as laparoscopic or minimally invasive procedures, although only a small percentage of patients are qualified to do so, open heart procedures are still used regularly to treat many heart conditions.

The following procedures are performed during open heart surgery:

  • Bypassing blocked arteries (bypass surgery).
  • Heart valve repair or replacement.
  • Closing holes in the heart (congenital heart defects)
  • Repairing heart vessels
  • Repairing damaged or abnormal areas in the heart
  • Performing heart transplants
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: CABG is the most common type of open heart surgery that is commonly performed on adult patients. This procedure is recommended for patients who have atherosclerosis or coronary artery disease. This surgery uses a revascularization procedure that uses part of a healthy artery or blood vein from another part of the body to create a new passage around the clogged blood vessel. It restores the regular flow of oxygen and nutrients to the heart in this way.
Non-Cardiopulmonary Bypass CABG: Non-cardiopulmonary bypass surgery, also known as “heartbeat” bypass surgery, is a surgical technique that allows the heart to continue beating during CABG surgery. This surgery lowers the problems associated with open heart surgery as well as the requirement for blood transfusions.
The amount of time it takes to recover varies from patient to patient. Patients are transferred to the intensive care unit (ICU) as soon as possible after surgery to ensure that their stay in the ICU is no more than 23 days.
The patient is then transferred to the regular ward for another three days before being discharged on the sixth day.
Upon leaving the hospital, the patient is given detailed instructions on what to do and what not to do at home.
Precautions can be:
  • How to perform the breathing exercise.
  • The necessary daily water intake.
  • How to care for the incision/cut so that it heals faster.
It is always recommended to return to a normal routine after returning home. This aids in the healthy healing of the body.
Dr. Sanjay Kumar, the best heart doctor in Faridabad not ony provides the best treatment, but also ensures efficient follow-up of the patient for a smooth recovery.


Best Cardiologist in Delhi explains Heart Arrhythmia: Sign and Symptoms

Arrhythmias should be evaluated thoroughly by your doctor, who may ask about various symptoms and your medical history. Contine reading to know about Heart Arrhythmia.

Many different symptoms

Arrhythmias can produce a broad range of symptoms and results. Your experience with arrhythmia may also differ depending on the type. For instance, a single premature beat may be felt as a “palpitation” or a “skipped beat.” Premature beats that occur often or in rapid succession may increase awareness of heart palpitations or a “fluttering” sensation in the chest or neck.

That same “fluttering” or “quivering” is associated with atrial fibrillation (AFib or AF), which is a particular type of arrhythmia.

When arrhythmias (including AFib) last long enough to affect how well the heart works, more serious symptoms may develop:

  • Fatigue or weakness
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Fainting or near-fainting spells
  • Rapid heartbeat or pounding in the chest
  • Shortness of breath and anxiety
  • Chest pain or pressure
  • In extreme cases, collapse and sudden cardiac arrest 

Important note: If you have chest pain or pressure, you may be having a heart attack. Call immediately.

How do heart attack symptoms differ?

Fluttering and heart palpitations are telltale signs of arrhythmia, including AFib. Other serious heart problems, such as heart attack, have similar warning signs.

A heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked. This denies oxygen to the heart muscle — possibly damaging or destroying organ tissue.

The symptoms for heart attack can vary widely, just like symptoms for arrhythmia.

Some heart attacks are sudden and intense. But most heart attacks start slowly, with mild pain or discomfort. Other symptoms can include:

  • Chest discomfort or pressure that may come and go
  • Discomfort in the upper body, including both arms, the back, stomach, neck and jaw
  • Shortness of breath, with or without chest discomfort
  • Cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness

Symptoms of heart attack in women can be even subtler. Often, those affected by heart attack — men and women alike — aren’t sure what’s wrong and wait too long before getting help.

If you think you may be having a heart attack, don’t delay. Get emergency help by calling your doctor immediately. 

Arrhythmia and stroke symptoms

People with AFib are five times more likely to suffer stroke than those without AFib. So it’s vital to be familiar with stroke symptoms.

Call immediately if you notice one or more of these symptoms, even if the symptoms are temporary or seem to disappear. 

Do you suspect that you or a loved one may have arrhythmia? See your doctor. Several tests can diagnose and monitor arrhythmia.

5 Signs Your Heart Needs a Checkup, says a Cardiologist

We all know that over whole body depends on the heart, but we might not know if it’s in trouble. Consider your heart as an engine of the body. If the engine slows down, has a short circuit or gets clogged, the engine fails. Don’t wait for heart disease or a heart attack to strike you. A cardiologist highly recommends to pay attention to the signs that your engine needs a checkup or tune-up for any heart issues like a blood clot.The best Cardiologist in Faridabad have gathered five symptoms of an unhealthy heart to watch out for.

#1 Climbing stairs leaves you huffing and puffing

If you have to catch your breath while climbing stairs, could it be that you are out of shape? Could be but again it could be your heart.

If you find you can no longer tolerate exercises that once you did it easily (like climbing stairs), that’s a clue that your heart needs a checkup. So leave out any assumptions and get it checked.

#2 You feel anxious several times

OK, there’s been a lot to be anxious in 2020, but this can often be a symptom of underlying heart problems.

Stress, anxiety and panic attacks can cause palpitations, and anxiety disorders are also associated with cardiovascular problems. So even if you think it’s regular anxiety, you should still get your heart checked.

#3 You feel dizziness upon standing

Feeling dizzy is a result of poor blood circulation into your brain and inner ear. If your heart can not pump enough blood where it needs to go, you may feel lightheaded or dizzy upon standing.

#4 You have pain/burning sensation in your chest area

Could it be a heartburn? Yes, but it might not be as well. Because when the heart pumping is clogged, it may present vague pain around chest, arm, neck and back. Please pay attention to this and consult cardiologist immediately. Dr. Sanjay Kumar is the best Cardiologist in Faridabad.

#5 Even your resting heart is higher than normal

If you have 60 to 100 bpm (and ideally below 90 bpm), it’s an indication that your heart muscle is working well. Anything higher than that (or much higher than normal for you) deserves a mention at your next checkup.

Bottom line…

Let us make a commitment that on noticing any of above mentioned symptoms, we get our heart checked. Timely checkup is what your heart love you for.

Excess Belly Fat increase the risk of heart disease

Researchers already know that stomach fat — known as abdominal obesity — increases the risk of having a first heart attack. But new research finds that having excessive fat in this specific area also increases risk of subsequent heart attacks. Here in this article Dr. Sanjay Kumar, the best cardiologist in Faridabad explains how belly fat linked with higher heart disease risk.

Belly fay & other measures of obesity affect heart health

People with too much fat around their midsections and vital organs are at increased risk for heart disease, even if their body mass index falls within a healthy range, according to a new scientific report.

The excess fat in obesity was originally thought to be harmless (benign). However, we now know that excess fat causes chemical changes in your blood that increase your heart disease risk. Dr. Sanjay Kumar, the The good news is that you may be able to control your belly fat. You won’t be surprised to hear it starts with a healthy lifestyle – a proper diet and regular exercise, says Dr. Sanjay Kumar, the best Cardiologist in Faridabad explains when your fat cells become enlarged, they give off hormones that produce chronic inflammation.

Obesity also increases other heart disease risk factors, including:

  • Sleep disorders.
  • Type 2 diabetes.


In other words, two people who weigh the same could have dramatically different risks of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes, depending on where fat is deposited in their bodies.

We aren’t very sure why belly fat is increased, but what we know is people have become less active over the past several decades. Their food choices and portions have changed. People seem to have less free time and they are more depending on processed and fast food.

SEE ALSO: These Heart Tests Could Save Your Life

Worldwide, around 3 billion people are overweight or have obesity. The “obesity epidemic contributes significantly” to many chronic health conditions and cardiovascular disease cases around the world.

Best Cardiologist in Faridabad explains the ways to decrease belly fat or abdominal fat

The good news is that you may be able to control your belly fat. You won’t be surprised to hear it starts with a healthy lifestyle – a proper diet and regular exercise, says Dr. Sanjay Kumar.

More encouraging is that interventions that reduce belly fat lower the risk for heart disease and diabetes.

Meeting federal guidelines for 150 minutes of physical activity per week may be sufficient to reduce abdominal fat, the analysis found, with no additional loss from longer activity times. Exercise alone or in combination with diet changes have been shown in some instances to reduce abdominal obesity even without weight loss. 

How do you recognize congestive heart failure symptoms?

Congestive heart failure is a relatively common condition in which the heart can’t pump enough blood to meet the needs of the body. It is often a result of a long-term condition or of ageing. The body tries to compensate by increasing fluid retention and salt in the blood says, Dr. Sanjay Kumar, the best Cardiologist in Faridabad.

This can lead to swelling, weight gain, and shortness of breath. Congestive heart failure is also associated with diabetes and high blood pressure. The most common cause of congestive heart failure, however, is coronary artery disease (CAD). This is when the arteries that supply blood to the heart become narrow and blocked.

In this article, the leading and best Cardiologist in Faridabad, Dr. Sanjay Kumar sheds light on important heart failure symptoms.

Symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive heart failure symptoms can be hard to recognize. It is important to be aware of the symptoms and take notice if they are worsening, says Dr. Sanjay Kumar.

The following are some of the most common symptoms of congestive heart failure:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Weakness or fatigue
  • Lack of appetite and nausea
  • Persistent cough, sometimes with blood-tinged mucous
  • Reduced alertness and ability to concentrate
  • Chest pain
  • Swelling in the feet and legs
  • Swelling of the abdomen
  • Sudden weight gain
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • A hard or bloated stomach

When to Contact a Heart Doctor?

If you can check most of the heart failure symptoms from the list above, contact a doctor immediately. Certain symptoms like chest pain, severe shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, severe weakness or fainting necessitate immediate medical attention. If you experience any of that, don’t wait to seek help, don’t self-diagnose, and don’t self-medicate.

Some of these symptoms can also be indicative of other life-threatening lung or heart conditions, if not heart failure. Emergency doctors work to determine what’s causing your symptoms and stabilise your condition.

Also, if you have already been diagnosed with heart failure, and you notice that your symptoms have worsened or a new symptom has developed, call your doctor immediately.

Who is at Risk of Congestive Heart Failure?

Congestive heart failure is a very serious condition that can lead to death. There are many risk factors for developing congestive heart failure. They include smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, and a history of a heart attack.

It can also be caused due to a genetic disorder such as cardiomyopathy. In this condition, the heart muscle can become enlarged and abnormally thick, which can lead to heart failure, the best cardiologist in Faridabad explains.

Lifestyle factors such as excessive alcohol or tobacco consumption as well as smoking can contribute to congestive heart failure.

Book an Appointment

If you’re experiencing any of the abovementioned heart failure symptoms, book an appointment and consult Dr. Sanjay Kumar immediately. To do so, call +91 9818391954. For any queries related to heart health, you may drop an email at [email protected]

What happens when you have a complete heart block?

The heartbeat is controlled by electrical signals (impulses), which instruct your heart to contract. Normally, a heartbeat occurs when the SA node (sinoatrial node) generates an electrical signal in the atria (upper chamber of the heart) which then moves to the ventricles (lower chamber of the heart) via the atrioventricular (AV) node. The ventricles thus contract and pump blood to the rest of your body. A heart block occurs when there is an interference in allowing the electric signals to move from the atria to the ventricles.

Complete heart block or third degree heart AV block occurs when the electrical signal cannot move from the atria to the ventricles i.e. it stops completely. This causes the heartbeat to drop to as low as 40 beats per minute as against the normal beat which is 60 to 100 beats per minute (bpm), for an adult. Often, this condition is found to be very common for people suffering from heart diseases.

In such cases, a natural back-up system in the ventricles takes over, but the heart rhythm is much slower and more irregular than normal.

Signs and Symptoms

You may experience the following:

  • Irregular heartbeats, or palpitations
  • Trouble in breathing or shortness of breath
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Light-headedness and fainting
  • Angina or discomfort in the chest
  • Cardiac arrest

If a heart block is ignored and not treated will lead to internal organ injury or cardiac arrest.


If your doctor suspects that you having irregular heartbeats, then:

  • Your overall health condition and medical history will be reviewed.
  • Your family history of heart disease will be checked.
  • Your current medication will be reviewed, to check for any medicine induced heart block.
  • Your lifestyle will be discussed (like alcohol, smoking, drugs etc.)
  • An ECG (electrocardiogram) will be done to determine the pattern of heart’s electrical impulses and to diagnose arrhythmias and heart damage.
  • Holter monitor, a portable device that you will wear for around 24 hours will record the ECG as you carry out your daily routine. Holter monitor detects arrhythmias which is often missed by ECG due to resting position.
  • A stress test, sometimes called a treadmill test or exercise test is recommended to measure the heart’s ability to respond under stress but in a controlled clinical environment.
  • Head up tilt table test, is performed to monitor and record your blood pressure, heart rate (on beat-by-beat basis) and heart rhythm as the table is tilted in different angles.
  • Cardiac MRI, is a non-invasive technique recommended to capture images inside your heart. It helps your doctor to detect heart diseases like blockage, structural problem, damage to heart muscles etc.
  • An electrophysiology study is performed to know more accurate and detailed information about your heart’s electrical system like, nature of abnormal heart rhythms, to know from where the abnormal heartbeat is coming from etc.


If you are diagnosed with a third degree heart block, your cardiologist will recommend a pacemaker, unless the problem can be managed by stopping the medication that may have caused the heart block.

A Pacemaker is a small device which is implanted under the skin in your chest. The pacemaker is like an electrical system which uses electrical pulses to keep your heart beating normally.

Life after heart block

Life after heart block with a pacemaker is definitely better than before. You can lead an active life by following the measures listed below:

  • After some types of pacemaker implantation, you cannot undergo MRI scan.
  • During your visit to any doctor due to some other health condition, please mention about your pacemaker implantation.
  • Always carry a card that has the details of pacemaker implanted.
  • Stay active, eat healthy and follow your doctor’s advice.
  • Get your pacemaker checked on routine basis.


Heart block is not always avoidable and complete heart block is the most severe form of heart block. They can worsen your pre-existing health conditions, due to insufficient supply of oxygen. Third degree heart AV block can be congenital or acquired. In case of acquired heart blocks, the risk increases with age, due to existing heart diseases etc. Prevention of heart blocks mainly focuses on the management of risk factors i.e. knowing your medication (to avoid medicine induced heart block), by leading a healthy lifestyle, eating appropriately, regular exercise and consulting your doctor at the onset of first sign of heart block.

Know the Warning signs to Prevent Suddent Cardiac Death

Sudden Cardiac Death or SCD is a sudden, unexpected, natural death caused by a sudden loss of heart function heralded by abrupt Loss of Consciousness within 1 hour of the onset of an acute change in cardiovascular status. It can affect any individual with or without pre-existing heart disease, says Dr. Sanjay Kumar, the best Cardiologist in Faridabad.

What are the causes of SCD?

Most SCDs are caused by an erratic, disorganized firing of impulses from the ventricles (the lower chamber of the heart which pumps the blood for circulation). When this occurs, the heart is unable to pump blood resulting in death within minutes, if not intervened.

Although SCD accounts for only 1-2 per 1000 natural deaths, its incidence is >20 times higher in patients with advanced cardiovascular disease. Worldwide SCD occurs most commonly between 45 to 75 years of age, affecting men thrice as often as women. It is rare in children and adolescents. However, in our country, the proportion of SCD cases in the younger age are relatively high, which is directly attributable to the higher prevalence of Coronary Atherosclerotic Disease(CAD) among the young in India.

How is SCD different from Myocardial Infarction (MI)?

Myocardial Infarction (MI), commonly known as Heart Attack, occurs as a result of the blockade in one or more of the coronary arteries, thereby preventing the heart from receiving oxygen-rich blood. As a result, the heart muscle starts to die because of lack of oxygen and the left ventricle starts becoming weak and may acutely fail.

Dr. Sanjay Kumar, the best Cardiologist in Faridabad says in Sudden Cardiac Death the electrical system of the heart malfunctions and suddenly becomes very irregular. The heart starts beating dangerously fast. The ventricles may flutter or quiver (known as Ventricular Fibrillation or VF) and the blood is not delivered to the body. Death results within 4-6 minutes if circulation is not restored.

Although heart attack is a very common cause of SCD (perhaps the most common cause) there are a lot of other diseases which can result in SCD.

What are the causes and risk factors for SCD?

Worldwide, up to 80% of SCDs are related to Coronary Atherosclerotic Disease (CAD). It causes heart attacks and is probably the most common cause of SCD among adults. Of this, 70% of males with SCD have evidence of an old healed Myocardial Infarction (MI) in their heart.

Cardiomyopathies (heart muscle diseases) account for another 10-15 % of SCDs which involves:

  1. Dilated Cardiomyopathy – characterized by the dilatation of the ventricles
  2. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy – characterized by the enlargement of the ventricles
  3. Hypertrophy – increased wall thickness of the ventricles

All the remaining 5-10% of SCDs are caused by a long list of rare diseases. These causes are more common in young individuals and many of these are the cause of SCD among athletes. These include certain inherited disorders like Long QT, Brugada’s Syndrome and Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasias. Anomalies of Coronary Artery origin and course can rarely affect young individuals and present as SCD. Sarcoidosis, Severe Aortic Stenosis and Acute Myocarditis can also cause SCD.

How does Coronary Atherosclerotic Disease (CAD) cause SCD?

Coronary Atherosclerosis is characterized by deposition of cholesterol and inflammatory cells in the vessel walls (Plaques) of the arteries supplying blood to the heart. Due to acute changes in the plaques, there is clotting and abrupt occlusion of the artery, thereby, stopping the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart muscle. This event may, in some patients, cause electrical instability in the heart causing Ventricular Fibrillation (VF) and SCD. Although the treatment of heart attack has reduced the risk of death in hospital, the one-month death rate after Myocardial Infarction (MI) is still as high as 30%. More than half of these patients die before reaching the hospital due to SCD or out-of-hospital cardiac arrests. The first hour following a heart attack has the highest incidence of SCD and is the most lethal because these patients are not able to reach the hospital in time. SCD is the first manifestation of CAD in many of these patients, but the majority have a past history of CAD. Therefore, both primary and secondary prevention of CAD is important to reduce SCD.

What is the treatment for SCD?

When it comes to treatment, time is critical and the key factor when we consider the chances of survival of an SCD victim. Defibrillation (delivering shock or electrical energy by placing external paddles on the patient’s chest) reverts the heart rhythm to normal and should be performed within 3-5 min of SCA. Considering the fact that even people living in urban India cannot reach the hospital within this time frame, it is evident that the bystander stands the best chance of helping out these victims. However, most of us do not know how to respond when someone collapses suddenly. The knowledge of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation or CPR techniques should not remain confined to the medics and paramedics. The basics of CPR should be a part of all Senior Secondary and Graduation/Training programs so that we are all better equipped to recognize and handle such an emergency situation.

The use of Automated External Defibrillators (or AEDs) in communities has been proven to nearly double the chances of survival after an out-of-the-hospital cardiac arrest. Though it involves cost issues the installation of AEDs at places with large population densities, such as railway stations, airports, large housing colonies, office complexes, and shopping malls can, over time, prove to be cost effective. Studies have shown that majority of SCDs occur at home and/or are witnessed. That is why the bystanders stand the best chance of improving the chances of survival of these victims and therefore educating everyone regarding this entity is crucial.

How can we prevent SCD?

Since our country has an alarmingly high prevalence of CAD, Hypertension, Diabetes, and Dyslipidemia, the incidence of SCD is on the rise.  The hospital treatment of heart attack incidences has improved and reduced the in-hospital death rates of this disease. However, the out-of-the-hospital SCD still remains a major killer. Community education about healthy lifestyle, prevention and adequate treatment of the above-mentioned diseases form the cornerstone for prevention of SCD. Regular medical checks are essential for all so as to detect and treat CAD and its risk factors. Patients who are high-risk candidates, especially those with a decreased Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction (LVEF) less than 35%, should be counseled and educated about the risk of SCD. Drug treatment and ICDs should be offered to all these patients.

To conclude, the treatment and prevention of SCD is akin to preventing fatal car accidents. Adopting a healthy lifestyle (like following road safety rules), getting regular health checkups to keep the risk factors under control (like the periodic car maintenance),  drug treatment for established CAD and ICDs for those at very high risk (like the presence of air-bags in case of fatal accidents) are the means to reduce SCD (like avoiding fatal accidents).

Mass education to empower the bystanders to recognize and respond early to this situation and government initiatives to install AEDs at high population density areas can achieve higher survival rates from this mounting threat to mankind.

Dr. Sanjay Kumar is a renowned and one of the best Cardiologists in Faridabad, Haryana to have expertise in Angiography and Angioplasty. He has over two decades of experience and is proficient in both interventional cardiology and electrophysiology.

Did you know there is a blood test that can indicate your heart attack risk?

Many celebrities whom we lost to heart attacks in the past two years, the paranoia around heart health is at its peak. Till some years ago we believed that someone who was physically fit and exercised regularly would have good cardiac health but the line seems to be blurring. Most celebrities who made headlines with their untimely deaths were fit, healthy and worked out regularly, says, Dr. Sanjay Kumar – the best Cardiologist in Faridabad.

So then is there a way to determine one’s risk of heart attack? Well, there seems to be a blood test that can indicate one’s heart issues. The test is called Cardio – C reactive protein (hs CRP). Please note that a one off reading may not fully give a clear picture of the heart risk but persistent high readings can tell you that it’s time to consult a doctor and follow necessary action.

What is the cardio C-reactive (hs CRP) protein test?

Cardio C-reactive protein also known as high sensitive C-reactive protein (hs CRP) is a simple blood test. According to Dr. Sanjay says, CRP is an inflammatory marker which means whenever there is an infection anywhere in the body, the CRP level in the blood is raised, hs CRP is more sensitive than the standard CRP. In an otherwise healthy human being, if the hs CRP level is high, it is an indicator or an alarm that the individual has got more possibilities to have blockages in the heart arteries, heart attack, sudden heart arrest, stroke or arterial blockages of arms and legs in the future.

Dr. Sanjay Kumar – the best Cardiologist in Faridabad says hsCRP is a test that has recently come into prominence, and is available as part of various investigation packages. It is a marker of low level chronic or long-standing inflammation. Inflammation is a reaction of our body against infection, stress, certain auto-immune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis etc. When after an insect bite we see red spots develop on our skin, that is due to inflammation. Inflammation is appropriate in the short term, but can be harmful for our bodies, when present for longer duration. A low level of long-standing inflammation in the heart has been linked to increased problems of heart attack, sudden death, and requirement of angioplasty or bypass etc. People who have persistently high hsCRP have been found to be at higher risk for heart disease as compared to those who do not have elevated hsCRP.

He further states, “Cardio C Reactive Protein or hsCRP is only one part of the jigsaw puzzle which is heart health. It should not be considered in isolation. Some studies have found that high levels of hsCRP increase the risk even in absence of other heart disease risk factors, but this is still controversial. However, we are quite confident that the risk due to other heart disease risk factors (like high BP, diabetes) increases even more in presence of increased hsCRP. It is very important to remember that any recent infections can cause CRP & hsCRP to become elevated for several weeks. So, it cannot be interpreted if you had a recent infection or if you have some other autoimmune diseases which can cause CRP to become elevated. Several healthy people have approached me for consultation after getting anxious due to a bold hsCRP value that was a part of the so called ‘whole body tests’, that have become so common since the Covid pandemic! It definitely doesn’t mean that you are going to have a heart attack! Always, the results of hsCRP, just like any other test, should be interpreted in a clinical context.”

What do the numbers say?

High numbers indicate an otherwise healthy human is more prone for heart diseases like arterial blockages, heart attack, sudden heart arrest, stroke and peripheral arterial diseases in the future.

According to Dr. Sanjay Kumar – the best Cardiologist in Faridabad, “Along with other risk factors and lipid panels, high Hs-CRP could be a marker for high CVD risk even in apparently healthy individuals and could be the indication of one’s heart health. When hs CPR is high, it should be repeated twice, optimally two weeks apart (in patient’s free of infection or acute illness) to confirm that person has persistent low levels of inflammation. High hs CRP is a marker of inflammation only and not specific for predicting heart disease. These values are only a part of total evaluation for heart disease and need to be considered with high cholesterol, sugar, hypertension, smoking and other CVD risk factors.”

Elevated CRP levels are almost always associated with other risk factors for heart disease including smoking, obesity, inactive lifestyle, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, metabolic syndrome (a combination of high blood pressure, high blood sugar abnormal lipid levels, and excess fat).

Regular screening is important post 40

People above the age of 40 should get their regular yearly heart checkup which includes blood tests for every system (kidney, liver, sugar and cholesterol), chest x-ray, ECG, EchoCardiography and treadmill test if required. If the individual falls in the high risk category for heart diseases which means if they have a family history of heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, history of chronic smoking, excessive alcohol consumption or obesity and especially if the individual has symptoms of heart ailments like chest pain or discomfort and breathlessness etc, they should go for these tests even before the age of 40 and consult a cardiologist.

Dthe best Cardiologist in Faridabad explains, “There are a lot of controversies regarding executive checkups and routine tests to look after your heart health. People panic because every day we hear about people collapsing in the gym, while cycling etc. What is definitely recommended for everyone starting at the age of 30 years is regular BP check, weight measure, sugar and cholesterol measurements. The frequency can be decided on an individual basis depending on the underlying heart risk. Even 2-3 yearly tests for glucose and cholesterol, and yearly check of blood pressure is quite reasonable in healthy fit people. People who are at higher risk for heart disease e.g., strong family history of heart disease, people with diabetes, obesity, those recovering from serious COVID etc, should be screened more frequently and also more extensively with added tests. These may include specialized kidney and urine tests, echocardiogram, etc. In sedentary patients at high risk of heart disease a treadmill test or a coronary calcium score may also be reasonable. In very few selected cases with high disease risk and atypical heart symptoms, a CT coronary angiogram is also ordered.”

How to maintain a heart healthy lifestyle?

Having a heart healthy lifestyle has also been shown to reduce inflammation and decrease hsCRP. This includes total avoidance of active and passive exposure to smoking and tobacco; a healthy diet of mostly unprocessed food with high fiber content, maintaining ideal body weight, and regular physical activity.

Dr. Sanjay Kumar – the best Cardiologist in Faridabad shares, “The different preventive measures that can be taken to keep the heart healthy can be categorized as lifestyle modifications and drug-based treatments. Lifestyle modifications that can be done are eating a healthy balanced diet, exercising regularly, maintaining healthy body weight, cessation of smoking, and reducing alcohol consumption. These lifestyle modifications also contribute to lowering the blood glucose level as well as the blood pressure that affects the heart. Drug-based treatments include the treatments for CVD in addition to the treatment for high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and high glucose level in blood.”

What are the symptoms of pulmonary heart disease?

Pulmonary heart disease, also known as pulmonary hypertension is the enlargement and failure of the right ventricle of the heart due to increased vascular resistance. PHD causes the right ventricle to enlarge and pump blood less effectively than normal, due to which the ventricle is then pushed to its limit and ultimately fails.

Pulmonary heart disease is a complication of lung conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pulmonary embolism (PE), says Dr. Sanjay Kumar, the best cardiologist in Faridabad.

What are the signs and symptoms of pulmonary heart disease?

The early symptoms may go unnoticed, as they are quite similar to the feeling we get after hard work such as shortness of breath, tiredness, an increased heart rate etc. Over the time, these symptoms get worse. Visit your doctor immediately, if you have:

  • Swelling in the legs or feet
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness
  • Wheezing and coughing
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Enlarged neck veins
  • Chest pain
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Cyanosis (bluish or purplish colour on the skin, lips or gums)

Pulmonary heart disease can be chronic or acute. It is usually caused by a lung disease. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the most common cause for pulmonary heart disease, however there are other factors also. The condition becomes more severe if you have a pre-existing heart disease like arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) or a history of heart attack.

How does pulmonary heart disease arise?

Pulmonary heart disease is the adaptive response of your heart’s right ventricle to the increased afterload caused by the pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary hypertension is caused due to increased pressure in the lungs’ arteries and your heart’s right ventricle that carries oxygenated blood to the heart while returning oxygen-depleted blood back to the lungs. An untreated pulmonary hypertension is the most common cause of PHD. Other conditions that can cause pulmonary heart disease include:

  • Cystic fibrosis, inherited disorder that damages your lungs and digestive tract
  • Sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that occurs when breathing is interrupted
  • Blood clot in the lungs (pulmonary embolism)
  • Lung tissue damage
  • Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), where luid builds up in the air sac of lungs
  • Interstitial lung disease (ILD), scarring of lungs
  • Lung cancer

How it is diagnosed?

Apart from clinical examination, whereby your doctor will look for abnormal heart rhythms, fluid retention, and protruding neck veins, you will be undergoing following investigations:

  • Blood tests to detect antibody levels and brain natriuretic peptide.
  • Arterial blood gases (ABGs), for measuring oxygen and carbon dioxide level in blood.
  • Chest X-ray or CT Scan.
  • Echocardiogram which uses sound waves to produce heart images.
  • Pulmonary function tests, to check how well your lungs are functioning.
  • Right heart catheterization, to check pumping of your heart. It also measures the blood pressure in your heart and the main blood vessels in your lungs.
  • In rare cases, lung biopsy may also be performed.

How pulmonary heart disease is treated?

Treatment is mainly focused with treating the underlying causes of pulmonary diseases.

  • Medicines
    • Diuretics: To reduce excess fluid collection in parts of your body.
    • Heart medicine: To strengthen and regulate your heartbeat.
    • Vasodilators: To improve blood flow by dilating the blood vessels.
    • Antibiotics: To treat any lung infections.
    • Blood thinners: To prevent blood clots.
    • Bronchodilators: To relax the airways in the lungs and helps you breathe better.
  • Oxygen therapy is given to reduce the pressure in the lungs.
  • Heart or Lung transplant may be needed in case of advanced disease.


PHD is a serious heart condition that develops due to advanced lung disease. Strategies for prevention of some of the conditions causing pulmonary heart disease would be leading a healthy lifestyle by not smoking, exercising regularly, avoiding exposure to airborne pollution. A careful management of your lung disease is also important because pulmonary heart disease stems from lung issues. It is important to monitor for any lung complications and pay close attention to any worsening signs and symptoms. It is a progressive disease that can rapidly worsen. If left untreated, it can be life-threatening.

Better Heart Health with Cardiologist in Faridabad

Your heart is what keeps you alive. Its health, therefore, should hold utmost importance for you. While most people know that regular exercise and a nutritious diet are open secrets to keeping their heart healthy, they don’t know how and why they can achieve better cardiac health with a cardiologist. Dr Sanjay Kumar, the best Cardiologist in Faridabad can help you.

Whether or not you have symptoms related to any heart disease, regular checkups, screening, and tests are necessary for preventing them in the first place, according to the best heart doctor in India.

And if you do have heart disease like arrhythmias, heart failure, coronary artery disease, etc., you need a precise diagnosis and the best treatment available, says the top cardiologist in Faridabad. Besides, to attain and maintain better heart health as you age, scheduled visits with an expert cardiologist become necessary.

While regular checkups help reveal conditions before they become worse, certain symptoms indicate that you might need a heart specialist without more delay. These include chest pain, heart flutter, irregular beats, shortness of breath, fainting or dizziness, etc., the best heart doctor in Faridabad strongly advises.

Apart from that, if you have other health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, or a history of smoking, you might need frequent consultations with a cardiologist than others. Also, if you are reasonably healthy but have a family history of cardiac illnesses, it’s crucial to visit a heart doctor for better health.

Your cardiologist will guide you through key lifestyle changes to prevent or manage a cardiac disease. As per the leading heart specialist in India, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, and stress are other major causes of heart problems in the 21st century. Therefore, whether or not you have a family or medical history, you must make active efforts to stay away from a stressful, inactive lifestyle.

Ensure that your diet is packed with essential minerals and vitamins and limit fast food as much as possible.

Consult Dr. Sanjay Kumar

Dr. Sanjay Kumar is a noted cardiologist and electrophysiologist in the country. She is known for using the latest and innovative diagnostic and treatment alternatives.

Dr. Sanjay Kumar is a renowned and one of the best Cardiologists in Faridabad, Haryana to have expertise in Angiography and Angioplasty. He has over two decades of experience and is proficient in both interventional cardiology and electrophysiology. He is committed to working for the well-being of patients at any point in time and have performed more than 15000 Angiographies and 5000 cardiac interventions including simple and complex coronary angioplasty at Fortis Hospital, Faridabad itself. Currently, he is serving at Fortis Hospital, Faridabad as the Director (Cardiology Department).

Contact Dr. Sanjay to book an appointment. Call +91 9818403954, 0129-7116000, fill out a form, or drop an email at [email protected]

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